HotSpot Network Manager. Nueva integración con CloudTrax 6.x (OpenMesh)
Estamos realmente orgullosos y entusiasmados de anunciar que ahora el HotSpot Network Manager es compatible con CloudTrax 6.x (OpenMesh). Además confirmamos que la versión 5.0.70 del HSNM publicada hoy ya tiene esta integración. La nueva tendencia es personalizar cada aspecto de cada negocio y sus clientes pueden beneficiarse de una serie de adiciones y mejoras, incluida la personalización de los iconos de la aplicaciones y su barra.
Versión 5.0.70 publicada el 23 de noviembre del 2016
- New In the templates it is now possible define the style of the App buttons of the Welcome Portal: Default, Rounded Corners; Square; Circles; Rounded Corners in the Upper-Right Bottom-Left; Rounded Corners Upper-Left Under-Right; Rounded Corners Upper-Right Upper-Left; Rounded Corners Bottom-Left Bottom-Right; Elliptical on the left; Elliptical right.
- New In the templates the App icons of the Welcome Portal can be customized.
- New Edited the App Bar of the Welcome Portal. The expansion tab has been moved to the right to improve usability and it will only appear if there are more lines of App.
- New Moved the “Powered By” to the left to let more space for the opening tab of the App Bar.
- New Increased the size of the button in the upper-right corner of the Welcome Portal used to open the SideBar of languages to increase your visibility and usability in low resolution devices.
- New On the context menu of the gateway it has been added an option that allows downloading on TXT file the list of IP addresses and/or URLs that are inserted (Mikrotik and LigoWave Systems) or must be inserted (other vendors) in the Walled Garden.
- New Added CloudTrax 6.x (OpenMesh) in the list of hardware types that are configurable in the gateways.
- New Updated the Walled Garden for Pesapal payment system.
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